Mona Ibrahim

Dean of the School of Energy Resources, Environmental, and Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering (EECE).

Personal Info

Egypt - Japan University of Science and Technology


Environmental Engineering

Professor Mona Gamal Eldin Ibrahim serves as Dean of Energy Resources, Environment and Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering School for Egypt – Japan University of Science and Technology (E- Just), she also served as Acting Vice President for Education and Academic Affairs (2015 -2017). In her capacity as a researcher, Prof. Ibrahim had published many scientific publications over 25 years covering most significant environmental fields. Prof. Ibrahim serves as a head of sustainable development committee at E-JUST aiming at improving E-JUST achievements towards SDGs. Prof. Ibrahim strongly supports Gender Equality as she serves as a head of the Gender Equality Office at E-JUST that raises the awareness about gender discrimination problems in order to realize better future. She is also the coordinator of ProGirls Program, implemented jointly by EconoWin/GIZ and PASCH/Goethe-Institute, since 2018 encouraging Female young learners aged 14-17 years old to study Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). Prof. Ibrahim represented Egyptian NGO’s in many African countries as a steering committee member for Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) focusing on “Confidence Building and Stakeholder Involvement Project” funded by World Bank, and was honored with the shield of Euro-Arab Cooperation Center for her prominent role in saving the environment. In August 2018, Prof. Ibrahim had the chance to share as an expert for the selection of the graduate students for the Pan African University Institute of Life and Earth Sciences at the University of Abadan, Nigeria under the flag of African Union Commission. Being a rapporteur of Consultant Committee of Development and Environment in Bibliotheca Alexandria (2003- 2005) plus possessing a high rank employment position as an Undersecretary for Ministry of Environment (2007 - 2012), gave Prof. Ibrahim a great opportunity to experience, sharpen and apply her strong leadership skills in the field of Environmental management. Prof. Ibrahim had her basic education in Chemical Engineering and PhD in Public Health Sciences (major- Environmental Engineering) from Alexandria University. Her professional interests focus on environmental management and hence she enjoyed sharing with well reputed international organizations (GEF, World Bank, CEDARE, JICA, UNEP, Tohoku University in Japan, and STIFA) in many projects (Egyptian pollution Abatement Project, Alexandria Lake Maryut Integrated Management, Regional Environmental Management Improvement Project and MED POL Programme).