Hebatallah Badawy


Personal Info

HQ - Room 323

Accounting and Information Systems (AIS)

Prof. Heba Badawy is a professor of accounting and auditing in the Faculty of International Business and Humanities (FIBH), Egypt Japan University of Science and Technology (E-JUST). Prof. Heba is a AAA member who participated in several AAA Annual Meetings as a panel list, reviewer, presenter and moderator. Prof. Heba reviewed several papers in reputable journals as Managerial Auditing Journal and International Journal of Accounting. Prof. Heba's objective is to acquire higher professional knowledge in the field of financial accounting and auditing, as they are crucial areas to any business nowadays, especially with the improvements in the field of information communications and technology and their impact on all business practices. In addition, Prof. Heba aims to help the accounting professionals in Egypt and the MENA countries through research papers focusing on the hot topics in the areas of accounting and auditing. Also, she is trying to transfer the knowledge she has and trying to acquire to her students, who are the practitioners and professionals of tomorrow.

Abdelwahed, A., Abu Musa, A., Mubarak, H. and Badawy, H. The Impact of Big Data and Big Data Analytics on Audit Process and Audit Fees: Evidence from a Developing Country”. Jordan Journal of Business Administration (Scopus indexed) (Q3) (Accepted).

- Abdelwahed, A., Abu Musa, A., Badawy, H and Mubarak, H. 2024. Investigating the Impact of Adopting Big Data and Data Analytics on Enhancing Audit Quality”. Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting (Scopus indexed) (Q1) (Accepted).

- El Sheweikh, A., Zamel, A., Otake, T., Badawy, H. and Sabry, S. 2024. Determining the Quantity and Quality of Corporate Environmental and Social Disclosure: An Empirical Evidence from Egypt”. Jordan Journal of Business Administration (Scopus indexed) (Q3)(Accepted).

- Shaker, R., Zamel, A., Okamoto, N., Moubarak, H. and Badawy, H. 2024. “The Moderating Effect of Joint Audit on the Relationship between the Readability of Financial Statements Footnotes and Audit Effort: Evidence from Egypt”. Afro-Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting (Scopus indexed) (Q3) (Accepted).

- Abdelwahed, A., Abu Musa, A., Mubarak, H. and Badawy, H. 2024. “The Use of Big Data and Analytics in External Auditing: Does Audit Firm Size Matter? Evidence from a Developing Country”. South African Journal of Accounting Research, Vol. 38, Issue 2, pp. 113-145. (Taylor and Francis, Q3).

- Abdelwahed, A., Abu Musa, A., Mubarak, H. and Badawy, H. 2023. “Is Audit Quality Research Discipline Saturated or Still Researchable? A Bibliometric Analysis”. Jordan Journal of Business Administration (Scopus indexed) (Q3).

- Vrontis, D., El-Chaarani, H., El Nemar, S. and Badawy, H. 2022. “Sustainable Development of SMEs during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Comparative Study between Developed and Developing Countries”. World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development. (Inderscience Publishers) (H-Index = 16, Q3).

International Conference

-       Wassef, A., Zamel, A., Eldardery, O., Mubarak, H. and Badawy, H. 2024. “Determinants of Egyptian Firms’ Sustainable Growth over the Life Cycle Stages: An Empirical Study”. The 43rd International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA) (Online), 26-27 June, Madrid, Spain (Accepted).

-       Shawat, R., Zamel, A., Otake, T., Sabry, S. and Badawy, H. 2024. “The Role of Firm Size in the ESG Performance and Financial Performance Nexus: Evidence from MENA Region”. The 43rd International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA) (Online), 26-27 June, Madrid, Spain (Accepted).

-       Badawy, H., Otake, T. and Ebeid, Y. 2024. Do Board Diversity and Ownership Concentration Enhance Firm Sustainable Performance in the MENA Region?.” Center for Inclusive Leadership Conference by Asia Pacific University (APU) (Online), 1-2 June, Japan (Accepted).

-       Aly, A. and Badawy, H. 2024. Auditors’ Perception of the Consequences of Egypt’s Membership of the BRICS Bloc on the Accounting and Auditing Profession: A Field Study”. The Scietific Conference titled “Developments in the Business Environment in Light of Information Technology and Climate Change” Faculty of Commerce – Benha University, 18 February.

-       El Sheweikh, A., Zamel, A., Otake, T., Sabry, S. and Badawy, H. 2024. Corporate Environmental and Social Disclosure and Firm Life Cycle Stages: Empirical Evidence from Egypt”. SIBR (Society of Interdisciplinary Business Research) 2024 Bangkok Conference, 30-31 March, Thailand.

-       Abdelwahed, A., Abu Musa, A., Mubarak, H. and Badawy, H. 2023. “Mapping the Academic Literature of Audit Quality Against the IAASB Framework: Keyword-Frequency Analysis”. 2023 Annual Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change (JAOC) Symposium (Online), 8-9 November, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

-       Abdelwahed, A., Abu Musa, A., Mubarak, H. and Badawy, H. 2023. “Is the External Auditor Fighting Alone in Big Data Analytics Audits? Qualitative Evidence from a Developing Country”. 2023 Annual Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change (JAOC) Symposium(Online), 8-9 November, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

-       Shaker, R., Zamel, A., Okamoto, N., Moubarak, H. and Badawy, H. 2023. "The Moderating Effect of Joint Audit on the Relationship between the Readability of Financial Statements Footnotes and Audit Effort: An Empirical Study on the Firms Listed on the EGX". SIBR (Society of Interdisciplinary Business Research) 2023 Tokyo Conference, 5-6 January, Tokyo, Japan.

-       Shaker, R., Zamel, A., Okamoto, N., Moubarak, H. and Badawy, H. 2023. "The Effect of the Readability of Financial Statements Footnotes on Audit Fees: Does Joint Audit Combination Matter?." SIBR (Society of Interdisciplinary Business Research) 2023 Tokyo Conference, 5-6 January, Tokyo, Japan.

-       Nassar, M., Marie, S., El-Chaarani, H. and Badawy, H. 2022. “Does Corporate Governance Affect the Market Value of Egyptian Firms Working in the Real Estate and Construction industry?”, Academy for Global Business Advancement 18th International Conference, “Business and Entrepreneurship Development in a Globalized and Digitalized Era”, 2-4 July, Istanbul, Turkey.

-       Taher, M., Abdelwahab, A., Gaber, Z., El-Chaarani, H. and Badawy, H. 2022. "Value Relevance of Accounting Information for Commercial Banks in the Egyptian Setting", Academy for Global Business Advancement 18th International Conference, “Business and Entrepreneurship Development in a Globalized and Digitalized Era”, 2-4 July, Istanbul, Turkey

-       Shawat, R., Wassef, A. and Badawy, H. 2022, “Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: Advantages and Disadvantages”, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Processing (Online), Woxsen University, 22-23 July, Hyderabad, India.

-       Omar, M., Gomaa, I., Badawy, H. and Moubarak, H. 2021. "An Examination of the Factors Affecting the Adoption of Cloud Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems in Egyptian Companies", The International Conference on Accounting and Finance (Online), 2-3 December,Australia, Sydney.

- Badawy, H. 2020, The Effect of Coronavirus Crisis on the Liquidity and Capital Structure of the Banking Sector in Egypt: Professional Accounting PerspectiveCOVID-19 Pandemic: Business and Management Challenges and Opportunities”, 7th International Conference on Business Management, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan, Online, 19-20 December.

- Badawy, H., and Ibrahim, A., 2017, Effect of Readability and Complexity on Non-Professional Investors’ Decisions - An Experimental Study in an Emerging EconomyAmerican Accounting Association, San Diego, USA, 5-9 August.

- Badawy, H., and Ibrahim, A., 2017, “Effect of Audit Quality on Non Professional Investors’ Decisions – Experimental Evidence from Egypt”American Accounting Association, San Diego, USA, 5-9 August.

- Badawy, H., and Ibrahim, A., 2016, “Is the Readability of Textual Corporate Disclosures Measurable?”Conference held in the American Accounting Association, New York, USA, 8-10 August.

- Badawy, H., 2015, “The Effect of External Assurance on RTA Information System on system Users’ Reliance – Experimental Study”Dubai, United Arab of Emirates, 8-9 January.



Non Impacted Journal

-       Beshir, S., Ashraf, M. and Badawy, H. 2024. “The Effect of Audit Quality and Ownership Concentration on Audit Opinion: Empirical Evidence from Egypt”. International Journal of Auditing and Accounting Studies (Accepted).

-       El Sheweikh, A., Zamel, A., Otake, T., Badawy, H. and Sabry, S. 2024. “The Impact of Corporate Environmental and Social Disclosure on Firm Value Creation over its Different Life Cycle Stages: An Empirical Evidence from Egypt”. International Journal of Auditing and Accounting Studies (Accepted).

-       Abdelwahed, A., Abu Musa, A., Mubarak, H. and Badawy, H. 2023. The Adoption of Big Data Analytics in the External Auditing Field: Bibliometric and Content Analyses”. International Journal of Auditing and Accounting Studies, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 49-85.

-       Badawy, H. and Zaki, N. 2023. “The Effect of Internal Auditor Assurance and Consulting Roles on Blockchain Applications Related Internal Controls on User’s Perception of Information Quality: The Case of the Egyptian Customs Authority”. Alexandria Journal of Accounting Research, Faculty of Business, Alexandria University, Vol. 7, No. 2, May.

-       Badawy, H. and Zaki, N. 2023. “The Effect of Audit Firm Reputation and Busyness on Financial Reporting Timeliness: The Moderating Role of Client Complexity and Floatation of Exchange Rate – Empirical Evidence from Egypt”. Science Journal for Commercial Research, Faculty of Commerce - Menoufia University, Vol. 49, Issue 2, No. 2, pp. 9-64.

-       Badawy, H. 2023. “The Mediating Effect of Audit Delay on the Relationship between Standard Audit Report and Firm’s Access to Finance: Evidence from Egypt”. Science Journal for Commercial Research, Faculty of Commerce - Menoufia University, Vol. 48, No. 1, January.

-       Omar, M., Gomaa, I., Badawy, H. and Moubarak, H. 2021. "An Examination of the Factors Affecting the Adoption of Cloud Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in Egyptian Companies", International Journal of Economics and Management Engineering,  Vol. 16, No. 2.

- Shawat, R., Solaiem, H. and Badawy, H., 2021, "Relevance of Fair Value Information to Investors' Decisions: Experimental Evidence from Egypt"Working paper, available at SSRN: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3910655

-Badawy, H., 2021, "The Impact of Assurance Quality and Level on Cybersecurity Risk Management Program on Non-Professional Egyptian Investors' Decisions: An Experimental Study", Alexandria Journal of Accounting Research, Alexandria University, Vol. 5, Issue 3, September.

- Badawy, H., 2021, “The Effect of Quality and Timeliness of Limited Review Report on Perceived Interim Financial Reporting Quality during COVID 19 Crisis: Evidence from Egypt”,   Scientific Journal for Financial and Commercial Studies and Research, Faculty of Commerce – Damietta, University, Vol. 2, No. 2, Part 1, July.

- Badawy, H., 2021, “Current Year Audit Opinion and Next Year Audit Fees: Does Family Ownership Matter?”, Scientific Journal for Financial and Commercial Studies and Research, Faculty of Commerce – Damietta, University, Vol. 2, No. 1, Part 1, January.

- Badawy, H., 2020, Audit Committee Effectiveness and Corporate Sustainable Growth: The Case of Egypt”Alexandria Journal of Accounting Research, Alexandria University, Vol. 4, Issue 2, May.

 - Badawy, H., 2019, “Value Relevance of Accounting Information: An Empirical Comparative Study on Egyptian and Saudi Listed Companies”Alexandria Journal of Accounting Research, Vol. 3, Issue 1, January.

- Badawy, H., 2018, “The Impact of the Information Content of “Key Audit Matters” Paragraph Related to the Valuation of Investments using Fair Value on the Quality of Investment Decision: An Experimental Study on the Investors in Egypt”Alexandria Journal of Accounting Research, Alexandria University, Vol. 3, Issue 1, December.

- Badawy, H., and Aly, A., 2018, The Impact of Auditor Industry Specialization, Type of Auditor and Audit Opinion on ARL: The Case of Egypt”International Journal of Accounting Research, Vol. 6. Issue 2. 184.

- Badawy, H., and Ibrahim, A., 2018, Effect of Readability and Complexity on Non-Professional Investors’ Decisions - An Experimental Study in an Emerging EconomyInternational Journal of Accounting Research, Vol. 6. Issue 2. 186.

- Badawy, H., 2018, “The Effect of Audit and Client Business Risks on the Auditor’s Client Acceptance Decision: An Experimental Study”Alexandria Journal of Accounting Research, Alexandria University, June.

- Ibrahim, A., and Badawy, H., 2018, “Effect of Audit Quality on NonProfessional Investors’ Decisions – Experimental Evidence from Egypt”International Journal of Accounting Research, Vol. 6. Issue 2. 185.

- Badawy, H., 2017, “Effect of Audit Quality on Financial Reporting Quality Measured by the Relevance and Faithful Representation of Accounting Information: An Empirical Study on Registered Egyptian Firms”Accounting Thought Journal, Ain Shams University, Vol. 3, Part 1, year 21, October.

- Badawy, H., 2017, “Effect of Ownership Structure and Level of Social Responsibility Disclosure on Firm Value - An Empirical Study on Registered Egyptian Firms”Accounting and Auditing Journal, Beni Suef University, Vol. 5, No. 2, May.

- Badawy, H., 2016, “The Effect of External Assurance on RTA Information System on System Users' Reliance Experimental Study”International Review of Business Research Papers, Vol. 7, No. 2, September.

- Badawy, H., 2016, “The Impact of Client Characteristics on Auditor Selection - An Empirical Study on a Sample of Registered Companies in the Egyptian Stock Exchange”Accounting Thought Journal, Ain Shams University, Vol. 1, Part 1, year 20, April.

Badawy, H., and Ibrahim, A., 2016, “Is the Readability of Textual Corporate Disclosures Measurable?”, Working paper, available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=3205810 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3205810.

- Badawy, H., 2014, “The Effect of Internal Assurance on Real Time Accounting Information System on System Users' Reliance - An Experimental Study on Commercial Banks in Egypt”Accounting Thought Journal, Ain Shams University, November.

National Conference

-  Aly, A. and Badawy, H. 2024. “External Assurance on Sustainability Reporting of Listed Companies in the Context of Egypt Vision 2030”. The 8th Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Commerce – Tanta University titled Business Innovations and Sustainable Development Challenges,  24 April.

-       Aly, A. and Badawy, H. 2022, “Accounting and Auditing Profession Face to Face with the Challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution: An Approach to Improve the Accounting Education and Learning”, Challenges and prospects for the accounting and auditing profession in the twenty-first century, 5th International Scientific Conference of the Accounting Department - Faculty of Commerce, Alexandria University, 10-11 March.

-       Shehata, S. and Badawy, H. 2022, “A Proposed Program to Audit Digital and Crypto Assets Classified as Intangible Assets", Challenges and prospects for the accounting and auditing profession in the twenty-first century, 5th International Scientific Conference of the Accounting Department - Faculty of Commerce, Alexandria University, 10-11 March.

- Aly, A., and Badawy, H., 2020, The Role of Big Data Analytics in Transforming the Audit Process in the Digital EnvironmentDigital Transformation in Times of Crisis, 10th International Conference on ICT in our lives, Alexandria University, Online, 19-21December.

- Badawy, H., 2020, External Auditor Face to Face with Blockchain Technology: Towards Reducing the Gap Between the Profession and AcademiaOnline Learning: A Paradigm Shift in Higher Education in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic, APITEL, Online, 24-25 October.

- Aly, A., and Badawy, H., 2020, “Entrepreneurship of the Accounting Profession in Egypt – Current vs Desired Status: Evidence from the Egyptian Accounting Firms”4th Scientific Conference, Faculty of Commerce, Tanta University, 6 April.

- Badawy, H., 2014, "The Role of Decision-Support Tools in the Rationalization of the Auditor’s Role in Evaluating the Appropriateness of the Companies’ Application of the Going Concern Assumption”Alexandria University, 20-22 December.

- Badawy, H., 2014, "The Effect of Internal Assurance on Real Time Accounting Information System on System Users' Reliance - An Experimental Study on Commercial Banks in Egypt"Ain Shams University, 11-12 October.

- Badawy, H., and El Sawwah, T., 2009, "Accounting Causes and Implications of the Global Financial Crisis"Alexandria University.

Courses Teaching

Alexandria University:

Undergraduate Courses: 

Intermediate Accounting І, Internal Auditing, and External Auditing and Assurance.

Postgraduate Courses:

Postgraduate diploma and Executive MBA.

Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport (AAST&MT) and Pharos Universityin Alexandria:

Undergraduate Courses: 

Accounting Principles, Intermediate Accounting І, Intermediate Accounting II, Cost Accounting, Management Accounting, Advanced Cost Accounting.


Undergraduate courses: 

Accounting Principles, Introduction to Management Accounting, Intermediate Accounting І, Intermediate Accounting II, Financial Statement Analysis, Advanced Financial Accounting.

Postgraduate courses: 

Master’s Thesis Foundation Seminar (MSc), Financial Accounting Seminar (MSc), Auditing seminar (MSc), Financial Accounting Research Seminar (PhD) and Auditing and Assurance Research Seminar (PhD), International Accounting Seminar (PhD).

Non Regular Seminars

-      Presented a session at the University of Business and Technology (UBT), Jeddah, KSA, titled “Recent Trends in Accounting and Auditing” on the 7th of May 2017.

-       Presented a session at the University of Business and Technology (UBT), Jeddah, KSA, titled “Recent Trends in Teaching” on the 8th of May 2017.

-       Attended the training program conducted by the institute of diplomatic affairs to a delegation from E-JUST in the period from 29-30th April 2018 in Cairo.

-       Attended the Sixth Youth meeting in the presence of the president of the Arab Republic of Egypt in the period from 28-29th July 2018.

-       Participated in organizing and presenting a faculty development workshop titled “Student Centred Learning through Seminar Style Teaching” on the 16th of Sep. 2018.

-       Organized and presented a workshop for students titled “Student Behavior Workshop” on the 4thof Sep. 2018.

-       Attended Techne Summit Conference held in Bibliotheca Alexandrina in the period from 27th – 28th Sep. 2018.

-       Attended a faculty development workshop titled “Assurance of Learning” on the 19th of December 2018.

-       Attended a symposium titled “Egypt-Japan Cooperation in the Evolving Strategic Context of the Middle East and Asia” in Cairo under the auspices of the Japanese Embassy on the 5th of February 2019.

-       Attended a workshop titled “Student Centred Learning in Practice” in the Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, organized by Erasmus+ in the period from 27-28th February 2019.

-       Presented an art session in the “Children’s University” Program on the 29th of March 2019.

-       Presented a session titled “Internship Evaluation System Orientation” on the 26th of June 2019.

-       Participated in organizing and presenting a faculty development workshop titled “Student Centred Learning” on the 7th of July 2019.

-       Presented a session titled “Research Opportunities to Improve the Skills of Researchers in the Banking Sector” in the E-JUST Cairo Office to 29 researchers from Banque Misr on the 29th of September 2019.

-       Organized and presented a webinar titled “Financial Reporting from an Entrepreneur’s Perspective” with Dr. Adel Neamatallah Ibrahim, a lecturer at the University of Illinois – Urbana Champaign – USA on the 25th of July 2020.

-       Gave a training session in Financial Statement Analysis to 20 engineers from Ezz Steel Co. from 14-16th March 2021.

-       Attended the “Accreditation and Mission” APU FD Training session on the 16th of November 2021.

-       Attended the “Curriculum Reform in 2017” APU FD Training session on the 28th of December 2021.

-       Attended “Beyond Accreditation: Vision, Mission, Values and Learning Objectives at the School of Management in APU” APU FD Training session on the 11th of January 2022.

-       Attended the “Curriculum Reform in 2023” APU FD Training session on the 18th of January 2022.

-       Attended the following online webinars/workshops.

·      How to Invest Safely in the Stock Market?” (Organized by Faculty of Commerce – Alexandria University), 30th of January – 1st of February 2021.

·      Effective Integration of Online Education in African Universities” (organized by Association of African Universities), 30th of March 2020.

·      “Teaching online Best Practices: Universities of Illinois iMSA in Partnership with Courses”(organized by the American Accounting Association), 16th of April 2020 (organized by the American Accounting Association), 23rd of April 2020.

·      How I put my Online Courses Together in Canvas/Blackboard” (organized by the American Accounting Association), 7th of May 2020.

·      “Emerging Issues and Rapid Response to Students' needs and Support Services in African Universities” (organized by Association of African Universities), 14th of May 2020.

·      “HEinnovate webinar series - Online teaching and learning approaches, MOOCs”(European Commission), 21st of May 2020.

·      “Designing Curriculum for Online and Hybrid Classes” (organized by Harvard Business Publishing Education), 9th of July 2020.

·      “E-Cheating and e-authentication” (organized by ADIP – Alexandria University – Innovation in Pedagogy and Aiding Distance Learning Unit, 22nd of July 2020.

·      “Multimedia Creation” (organized by ADIP – Alexandria University – Innovation in Pedagogy and Aiding Distance Learning Unit), 26th of July 2020.

·      “Flipped Classroom” (organized by ADIP – Alexandria University – Innovation in Pedagogy and Aiding Distance Learning Unit), 29th of July 2020.

·      “Power and Responsibility: Teaching Ethics and Adaptive Leadership in a Time of Crisis”(organized by Harvard Business Publishing Education), 30th of July 2020.

·      “Interactive Class and Online Learning Activities” (organized by ADIP – Alexandria University – Innovation in Pedagogy and Aiding Distance Learning Unit), 9th of August 2020.

·      “Improvising in a Time of Crisis” (organized by Harvard Business Publishing Education), 12thof August 2020.

·      Electronic Course Portfolio” (organized by ADIP – Alexandria University – Innovation in Pedagogy and Aiding Distance Learning Unit), 19th of August 2020.

·      “Diversity and Inclusion: Building Connection and Community in Physical, Online, and Hybrid Classrooms” (organized by Harvard Business Publishing Education), 27th of August 2020.

·       “Creating Interactive Learning Content” (organized by ADIP – Alexandria University – Innovation in Pedagogy and Aiding Distance Learning Unit), 30th of August 2020.

·       “Making Online Classrooms work for you (and Your Students)” (organized by Harvard Business Publishing Education), 19th of November 2020.

·      “Publishing in Academic Journals – Part 1” (organized by ProQuest Education), 6th of July 2021.

·       “Professional Writing of Grant Proposals: (2) Writing Compelling Research Section” (organized by EKB), 30th of August 2021.

·      “Professional Writing of Grant Proposals: (3) Preparing Budget, Gantt Chart & Project Management” (organized by CABI in collaboration with EKB), 6th of September 2021.

·      “Reviewer Role” (organized by Emerald in collaboration with EKB), 20th of September 2021.

·      “Academic Writing and Publishing Standards” (organized by EKB), 22nd of September 2021.

·      “Self-Evaluation: Faculties and Institutes of Higher Education(organized by NAQAAE), 5-7 March 2024. 

·      “Program/Course Specifications and Assessment of ILOs: Faculties and Institutes of Higher Education” (organized by NAQAAE), 21-23 April 2024. 

·      “Exams and Students’ Assessment Systems: Faculties and Institutes of Higher Education”(organized by NAQAAE), 1-2 May 2024.

·      “Strategic Planning: : Faculties and Institutes of Higher Education” workshop” (organized by NAQAAE), 10-11 July 2024.    

-       Attended workshops in the Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC) – Alexandria University

·      Quality Standards in the Education Process (18-19 August 2010)

·      University Code of Ethics (21-23 August 2010)

·      University Management (24-26 August 2010)

·      International Publishing of scientific research (31 August-2 Sep. 2010)

·      Research Ethics (4-6 Sep. 2010)

·      The Credit hours systems (7-9 Sep. 2010)

·      Research Team Management (28-29 Jan. 2015)

·      Decision Making and Problem Solving (31 Jan. – 1 Feb. 2015)

·      References Management Systems (11-12 Feb. 2015)

·      Crisis and Disaster Management (25-26 Feb. 2015)

·      E-Learning (11-12 April 2015)

·      Student Evaluation and Examination Techniques (11-12 May 2015)

·      Design and Production of Digital Content (11-12 July 2020)

·      E-Exams (14-15 April 2023)

·      Leadership and Strategic Thinking – Executive Leadership Development (28-29 April 2023)

·      Technical Writing (12-15 May 2023)

·      University Laws and Regulations (23-24 June 2023)

Courses Attended in the University of Illinois @ Urbana Champaign, USA, 2015:
  •  -  Accountancy 415: Auditing Standards and Practice – William Ciconte

  •  -  Accountancy 511: Risk Measurement/Reporting 1 - A. Rashad Abdel-Khalik

  •  -  Accountancy 585: Constructs in Accounting Research – A. Rashad Abdel-Khalik

  •  -  Accountancy 592: Intro to Accountancy Research – Gary Hecht

  •  -  Accountancy 593: Special Research Problems - Jeffrey Pittman
